Friday, May 16, 2008


Yes the newley weds can cook!

So on Mother's Day. Stacey and I took our first stab at cooking for the whole family.

The menu was:

~Homemade fried chicken~

~Green bean casserole~ ~Macaroni & Chesse~

~Hashbrown casserole~ ~Deviled Eggs~

~Blueberry and peach Cobbler~

It all turned out great. We had enough food for about 20 more people, but at leat we had plenty to go around. Jonathan and Keith were a big help. Lets just say I know why KFC is so popular and I will always buy it from now on. Homemade fried chicken is not worth it if your the one that has to do it. The meal definitely made me more appreciative of all the family dinners I have attended. Anyway our first meal was a sucsess according to our family. They could have lied though:) ~RAE


Holly said...

Rae, you are so blessed to have Stacey as a sister in law, someone you can have fun with, like a sister.

Vikki said...

sounds like you had a yummy meal! I agree with the fried chicken...a pain to cook!